Labeling Requirements of OSHA and CPSC: Navigating the Interface Between Consumer and Occupational Labeling | 2025 Occupational Safety and Health Webinar Series
Join Principal Mark Duvall (Washington, DC) and Associate Nick Hanel (Washington, DC) for a webinar exploring the complex landscape of labeling requirements under OSHA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Participants will understand the latest product labeling regulations to ensure workplace safety and consumer protection, including Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) and Globally Harmonized System (GHS) labeling guidelines, and best practices for managing dual compliance for products under both OSHA and CPSC.
There is no charge to attend this webinar, but advance registration is required. This series is intended for in-house counsel, EHS professionals, and business leaders at companies, municipalities, and trade associations. To request an invitation, please submit this form or contact [email protected].
Informed by the experience and insights of B&D's full-service OSHA and state OSHA practice, our annual Occupational Safety and Health webinar series will provide practical knowledge to help corporate legal and EHS staff ensure that their companies comply with applicable occupational safety and health requirements and are prepared to defend allegations that compliance was inadequate. B&D's speaker panel will examine important individual OSHA standards, rulemaking developments, similarities and differences among state and federal worker safety requirements, and will provide practical tips and best practices for employers.
Click here to view past programs in the Occupational Safety and Health webinar series on-demand.