
DRI Appoints John Guttmann as Chair of the Center for Law and Public Policy, Continuing Leadership within the Organization

The Defense Research Institute (DRI) appointed Principal John Guttmann (Washington, DC) as Chair of the Center for Law and Public Policy (the Center). John most recently served as vice chair of the Center for the past two years and previously chaired DRI’s Toxic Torts and Environmental Law Committee (TTEL) and was a member of DRI’s Board of Directors as a National Director.

“John Guttmann is a nationally recognized environmental litigator and longtime DRI leader,” said DRI President Anne Talcott. “As president, I cannot think of a more qualified person to chair the DRI Center for Law and Public Policy and am excited to work with John in the coming year on issues affecting the defense bar and our business clients.”

Mr. Guttmann added, “I am honored and excite d to have the opportunity to lead the Center. We are now reviewing the Center’s ongoing initiatives as well as potential new ones with input from the Center’s corporate Advisory Council to determine where to focus our efforts in 2025. Our goal is to serve as the best possible resource for DRI’s members, their business clients, and the various state and local defense organizations.”

Founded in 2012, The Center—through scholarship, legal expertise, and advocacy—provides the most effective voice for the defense bar in discussing substantive law, judicial process, constitutional issues, and the integrity of the civil justice system at both the national and state levels. John also serves on the Center’s Management Council, which oversees the entire Center.

As a top-ranked environmental, class action, and tort litigation defense firm, B&D has been a longtime member, sponsor of, and participant in DRI and its various programs. Principal Roy Prather (Baltimore) chairs TTEL, and Principals Collin Gannon (Baltimore) and Jimmy Slaughter (Washington, DC) are also active on the committee. Associate Kenny Davis (Baltimore) chairs the Diversity and Inclusion Membership Committee.