
Privacy Policy

B&D respects the privacy of visitors to our website. We track the internet addresses of the domains from which people visit us and analyze these data for trends and statistics, but the identity of individual users remain anonymous. We do not collect any personally identifying information from site visitors without their permission.

You may be asked to provide personally identifying information, such as your name and address, if, for example, you send us electronic mail or sign up to receive a free subscription to a B&D newsletter. We recognize and appreciate the importance of responsible use of such information, and will not use information provided by you except to respond to your direct inquiries. We do not share any of this information with third parties, except as may be required by law, and will take appropriate steps to protect the information you share with us from unauthorized access or disclosure. If at any time you would like to withdraw consent or remove your data from our records, please send an e-mail to [email protected], or click on the "unsubscribe" link in any of the e-mails you receive from us.