Lauren Karam Discusses Career Trajectory and Positive Impacts of Environmental Law Work on Energy Environment Economy Podcast

Energy Environment Economy

Energy Environment Economy, a podcast produced by the Environmental Business Council of New England (EBCNE), interviewed Associate Lauren Karam (Boston) for its January episode titled, "Making a Difference for the Environment as an Ascending Professional." William Chandler (Project Manager and Wastewater Infrastructure Expert, Weston & Sampson) joined Lauren on the podcast as part of a series highlighting winners of EBCNE's 2023 Ascending Leader Award. The speakers share personal experiences that led to their success as environmental professionals and the positive impacts they see from their work. Lauren states,

"Even in the few years that I've been practicing, there's been a lot of growth and a lot of change; it's not like the work is going away. There are constantly new things on the horizon, so that's exciting."

Lauren also shared her experience transitioning from the public to private sector and how this helps her better support clients in environmental justice (EJ) issues, "I think [environmental justice] is just on the radar of so many clients now . . . if you want to build a project, there's likely going to be some steps you need to take if you're near an EJ community. So, from my perspective, it's fun that I was on the policy end starting off, and getting a lot of these policies and laws off the ground in Massachusetts, and now I'm on the other side where I'm counseling clients to comply with them."