Representative Matters
Our biotechnology experience includes:
- Representing clients in product reviews, whether initiated by the government, competitors, or activist groups.
- Representing clients in court actions to challenge government activities that are inconsistent with the law, to defend the validity of approvals issued over competitor or public interest group objections, and to resolve commercial disputes with other private parties.
- Helping clients to meet federal and state requirements for obtaining approvals, and advising them on the full range of compliance issues, including labeling (and its potential impact on product liability); import and export restrictions; permissible supply, manufacturing, and marketing relationships; and allowable label and marketing claims.
- Providing transactional assistance to clients who wish to acquire or sell some or all of a biotechnology business.
- Representing clients in key fora around the world on the negotiation and implementation of international agreements impacting the biotechnology industry and related product sectors.
- Representing clients who wish to prevent or minimize the legal risks associated with investing in biotechnology in key developing countries around the world and who wish to better understand the effects on the biotechnology industry and related product sectors of the rapidly developing “biosafety” and “organic food” legal regimes in such countries.