Beveridge & Diamond's Circular Economy and Plastics Symposium was held on Wednesday, February 12 in Washington, DC. Click here to request more information or the materials from this event. If you have any questions or comments about the topics covered, please contact the speakers.
About the Program
Legal requirements and policy initiatives aimed at the design, recycling, and reuse of plastics are expanding at the global level and in key markets around the world. These include circular economy mandates in the European Union, new proposed legislation in the United States, and new or expanded international environmental agreements covering plastics. Many companies are also embracing ambitious circular economy goals for plastics. Offering insight from key players across multiple sectors, Beveridge & Diamond's Circular Economy and Plastics symposium was designed to help attendees navigate the latest U.S., regional, and global initiatives affecting the plastics landscape in 2020 and beyond.
Further Developments
Given the fast-moving nature of developments regarding plastics and the circular economy, Beveridge & Diamond intends to convene additional discussions around this topic in the coming year. We hope you will be able to join us and continue the conversation. Please consider subscribing to our plastics list to receive your choice of topical news alerts, future event invitations, and other updates.
General Questions?
Please contact Alexa Curto via [email protected].