Our December 2020 Virtual China EHS Roundtable was held on Thursday, December 10 and Tuesday, December 15. Click here to request more information or the materials from this event. If you have any questions or comments about the topics covered, please contact the speakers.
Further Reading
- David Sandalow and John Podesta, "China must take action now on net zero pledge," Financial Times (October 13, 2020)
- David Sandalow, "China’s Response to Climate Change: A Study in Contrasts," Asia Society Policy Institute (July 2020)
- David Sandalow, Varun Sivaram, Colin Cunliff, David Hart, and Julio Friedmann, Energizing America (Columbia University, September 2020)
- David Sandalow, Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 2019 (Columbia University, September 2019)
About the Program
In January 2018, B&D launched the China EHS Roundtable. The purpose of the Roundtable is to give multinational companies with interests in China a forum through which to learn about China’s rapidly increasing environmental, health, and safety (EHS) regulations; manage enforcement risks; and ultimately advance EHS compliance, supply chain management, and sustainable development in China.