B&D Speaking at ACC Webcast, "What to Expect When You’re Expecting Unannounced Inspections: An Environmental Inspection Readiness Checklist"

Principals Alyse Adamson and Julius Redd (Washington, DC) will present a webcast for the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) titled, "What to Expect When You’re Expecting Unannounced Inspections: An Environmental Inspection Readiness Checklist," on Tuesday, November 14. Shanisha Smith, Health, Safety, and Environmental Counsel (LyondellBasell) will join them in the discussion.

Businesses should prepare for additional environmental enforcement activity from regulators, especially following the recent confirmation of David Uhlmann as Assistant Administrator for U.S. EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and release of the agency's National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives for FY 2024-2027. Given Uhlmann’s enforcement history, he’s expected to play a key role in advancing the Biden Administration’s ongoing aggressive environmental enforcement strategy. Industry can thus expect an increase in civil and criminal inspections at their facilities without advance notice. During this webcast, our speakers will:

  • Highlight steps companies can take to prepare for unannounced inspections;
  • Best practices for responding to unannounced inspections; and
  • Provide practical tips on reviewing compliance programs.

This live program offers free CLE in limited jurisdictions for members of ACC. Please find more information about this event on ACC's website.

Beveridge & Diamond is proud to sponsor the ACC Environmental and Sustainability Network, a group that enhances the ability of ACC members to practice environmental law. It provides support for the development of related programs within their client companies for both operations and products, including aspects of sustainable development and health and safety issues related to environmental law.