On-Demand Webinar: OSHA—A Look Back at 2020 and What to Expect in 2021 Under the Biden Administration | 2021 Occupational Safety and Health Webinar Series

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In the first program in B&D's 2021 Occupational Safety and Health webinar series, Jayni Lanham (Principal, Baltimore) and Sarah Kettenmann (Associate, New York) will look back at OSHA developments from 2020 and look forward to what employers might expect in 2021 with the new Biden Administration. Participants can expect to learn about the status of OSHA’s leadership, recent rulemaking activity, anticipated rulemaking activity in 2021, OSHA enforcement and civil penalty trends, and recent OSHA guidance and policy developments.
Informed by the experience and insights of B&D's full-service OSHA and state OSHA practice, our annual Occupational Safety and Health webinar series will provide practical knowledge to help corporate legal and EHS staff ensure that their employers comply with applicable occupational safety and health requirements and are prepared to defend allegations that compliance was inadequate. B&D's panel of speakers will examine important individual OSHA standards, rulemaking developments, similarities and differences among state and federal worker safety requirements, and will provide practical tips and best practices for employers.
There is no charge to attend this webinar, but advance registration is required. This series is intended for in-house counsel, EH&S professionals, and business leaders at companies, municipalities, and trade associations. To request an invitation, please contact Alexa Curto, [email protected].
Additional programs in the Occupational Safety and Health webinar series are available on-demand via the links below:
View On-Demand | COVID-19, One Year Later (Recorded March 17, 2021)
View On-Demand | Planning for Emergencies (Recorded May 19, 2021)
View On-Demand | Injury and Illness Recordkeeping (Recorded July 21, 2021)
View On-Demand | Tips for Handling an OSHA Inspection and Defense of Citations (Recorded September 14, 2021)