Jose Almanzar to moderate a panel involving the intersection of the New York State Brownfield Cleanup Program and environmental justice at the NYBSA's Environmental & Energy Law Section’s Annual Meeting

Associate Jose Almanzar (New York) moderated a panel at the New York State Bar Association's (NYSBA) Environmental & Energy Law Section (EELS) and Local & State Government Law Joint Fall 2021 Meeting entitled "Brownfield Redevelopment in Environmental Justice Communities – Hear from the Developers Successfully Implementing these Projects."
The distinguished group of developers discussed their NYS Brownfield Cleanup Projects in some of the most challenging NYS brownfield environmental justice areas, and how they overcame financing and other challenges through use of the Brownfield Cleanup Program and other strategies. The group also discussed why the BCP should be extended next year to continue to enable these projects in EJ areas throughout the State, and how real estate development in underserved communities can further environmental justice goals.
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