- Setting the Stage: Key Economic, Environmental, and Enforcement Trends in Latin America
Maddie Boyer, B&D (Principal, Austin) - Stay Ahead of the Curve: Monitoring Latin American Environmental Initiatives
Melissa Owen, Ambientelegal
Enforcement and Litigation in Brazil
- Trends in Brazilian Contaminated Site Liability
Russell Fraker, B&D (Of Counsel, Washington, DC) - The Role of Public Prosecutors in Environmental Enforcement
Ana Luci Grizzi, Veirano Advogados - Case Study: Contaminated Site Liability in a Brazilian Labor Court
Betsy DuSold, Eli Lilly and Company - US Interests & Engagements in Environmental Protection in Latin America
Scott Fulton, B&D (Principal, Washington, DC)
Keynote Address
- What's New at the World Bank: The Proposed New Draft Environmental and Social Framework Standards and the Latest on Climate Finance
Charles Di Leva, Chief Counsel of Environmental and International Law, The World Bank
Mexico’s Energy Reform: An Environmental and Social Perspective
- Mexico Energy Reform 101
Maddie Boyer, B&D (Principal, Austin) - Observations from the Gulf Treaty Negotiations
John Cossa, B&D (Associate, Washington, DC) - Procedural and Permitting Challenges Ahead
Gino Bianchi-Mosquera, GSI Environmental Inc. - Environmental and Social Considerations
Gustavo Alanís Ortega, CEMDA; Joint Public Advisory Commission, NAFTA CEC
Country Environmental Law Reviews
- Peru Update
Lorenzo de la Puente, DELAPUENTE Abogados - Chile Update
Patricio Leyton, FerradaNehme Abogados
- Product Stewardship Trends in Latin America
Russell Fraker, B&D (Of Counsel, Washington, DC) - Open Discussion & Closing Remarks
Paul Hagen, B&D (Principal, Washington, DC)