Webinar Series

Please join Beveridge & Diamond for our 2023-2024 Air and Climate Change Law Webinar Series.

Built on decades of experience advising and litigating air issues and subject matter expertise from B&D’s Air & Climate Change practice, our Air and Climate Change Law Series is designed to provide practical knowledge on hot topics in air quality compliance, litigation, and enforcement for corporate legal and environmental health and safety (EHS) teams. Participants will learn about navigating the complexities of evolving regulations and their overlap with other areas of environmental law, such as chemical regulation, climate change, permitting, and waste management. Our speakers will discuss existing air quality requirements, the latest air rulemaking developments, as well as associated litigation and federal and state guidance, while sharing key takeaways and best practices to proactively address air issues.

There is no charge to attend this webinar series, but advance registration is required. This series is intended for in-house counsel, EHS professionals, and business leaders at companies, municipalities, and trade associations. If you would like to request an invitation, or if you have any questions, please submit this form or contact [email protected].

CLE credit will be available for each live session. We will apply for credit in states requested during registration. We will share links to recordings of each program unless otherwise noted.

Past Programs:

Sustainable Aviation - Managing Legal Risks from a Business Perspective

July 10, 2024, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

Offered as part of B&D's Air & Climate Change Webinar Series in partnership with our Aviation Industry Group.

The aviation industry is taking action on all fronts to improve its sustainability. These efforts from airlines, jet fuel suppliers, airport operators, and other key stakeholders in the aviation industry are not only consistent with aviation’s historic role in driving economic and social progress but also reflect recognition that continual environmental progress is imperative to the growth and long-term viability of the sector.

In this presentation, our speakers will provide an overview of the broad range of sustainability and environmental issues facing the industry, with a focus on Climate Change and Local Air Quality risks and practical steps companies may take to address those risks.

Speakers: Tim Pohle & Nikki Waxman

View on-demand.

Unpacking White House Directives on Consideration of Climate Change in NEPA Reviews

February 22, 2024, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

View this program on-demand.

As part of the Biden Administration's “whole-of-government” approach to addressing climate change, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has issued proposed regulations and interim guidance directing federal agencies to quantitatively and qualitatively consider direct and indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and climate impacts for their proposed actions. These government-wide steps will have implications for certain projects that require federal permits or authorizations, receive federal funding, or otherwise qualify as a major federal action subject to National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review. During this webinar, our speakers will break down the CEQ directives, practical considerations for project proponents, litigation risks, and anticipated next steps.

Speakers: Jamie Auslander & Astrika Adams

View on-demand.

Obtaining Federal Support for Climate & Sustainability Goals through the Inflation Reduction Act

November 30, 2023, from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

View this program on-demand.

The Inflation Reduction Act—the largest investment in climate and energy in US history--committed $370 billion in federal funds towards action on climate and energy, aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote clean energy, and increase climate resilience for decades to come. A year in, companies and organizations have opportunities to receive funding for various initiatives such as electric vehicle infrastructure, deployment of renewable energy, manufacture of batteries and clean energy equipment, decarbonization of manufacturing, and climate adaptation programs. During this webinar, we will discuss the types of programs that are available, practical tips for applying for funding, and how companies can take advantage of the opportunities to bolster their climate and sustainability goals.

Speaker: Eric Christensen

View on-demand.

Additional programs to be announced.