Latin American Chemicals Symposium
December 3, 2020 at 12:00pm – 1:30pm (EDT)
Madeleine Boyer, Russell N. Fraker, Melissa Owen (Founder/Attorney, Ambientelegal); Alejandra Acosta (Cooperación Regulatoria LATAM, Consultora ICCA; former Director of Chemical Products and Substances, SAyDS, Argentina); Daniel Rios (Product Stewardship Manager–Americas, Givaudan)
Virtual Event
Please join Beveridge & Diamond for a timely symposium exploring recent and upcoming developments in the Latin American chemical regulatory landscape. The agenda is available here. Topics will include:
- Panel Discussion: Trends & Developments in Latin American Chemicals Laws
- Emerging GHS and Chemical Inventory Regulations in the New OECD Entrants: Chile and Colombia
- Understanding Mexico’s Chemical Laws (Case Study: Bringing a Disinfectant to Market)
There is no charge to attend the virtual program, but advance registration is required. Please contact [email protected] to request an invitation.
- Madeleine (Maddie) Boyer, Principal, Beveridge & Diamond (Austin, TX)
- Russell Fraker, Of Counsel, Beveridge & Diamond (Washington, DC)
- Miriam Mazza, International Counsel, Beveridge & Diamond (Washington, DC)
- Melissa Owen, Founder/Attorney, Ambientelegal
- Alejandra Acosta, Cooperación Regulatoria LATAM, Consultora ICCA; former Director of Chemical Products and Substances, SAyDS, Argentina
- Daniel Rios, Product Stewardship Manager–Americas, Givaudan