Our Texas Team

Clients benefit from our Texas-specific experience, including our substantive knowledge of the Texas environmental permitting and regulatory programs and the insights and relationships that our Austin-based attorneys maintain from their careers within and work with key Texas governmental agencies. Several of our attorneys formerly worked for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the Texas Office of the Attorney General, and the U.S. Department of Justice. Our Texas attorneys include:

Maddie Boyer | Principal, Austin 


Areas of Focus:  Air, Climate ChangeChemicals RegulationCorporate Sustainability | International Environmental Law | Waste, Recycling | Refining, Petrochemicals

Biography | +1.512.391.8010 | [email protected]

Karen Hansen | Principal, Austin


Areas of Focus:  Wastewater and Storm Water | Water Rights and Supply | Auditing | High Stakes Enforcement (Water) | Corporate Investigations | Compliance Systems

Biography | 512.391.8040 | [email protected]

Laura LaValle | Principal, Austin


Areas of Focus:  Air Permitting and ComplianceClimate Change | Enforcement Defense | Due DiligenceAuditing

Biography | 512.391.8020 | [email protected]

Bina Reddy | Office Managing Principal, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Citizen Suit DefenseToxic and Mass TortsEnforcement Defense

Biography | 512.391.8007 | [email protected]

Josh Van Eaton | Principal, Washington, DC

Licensed in DC and Texas, Josh is an integral part of our Austin team.

Areas of Focus:  High-Stakes Federal and State Enforcement MattersCitizen Suit DefenseCAA Mobile SourcesCompliance

Biography | +1.202.789.6033 | [email protected]

Mike Vitris | Principal, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Environmental Class Actions and Mass Torts | Citizen Suit Defense | Enforcement DefenseWorkplace Safety

Biography | 512.391.8035 | [email protected]

Amber Ahmed | Of Counsel, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Enforcement DefensePermitting | Air, Climate Change | Water

Biography | 512.391.8018 | [email protected]

Leandra Ansah | Associate, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Air, Climate Change | Chemicals | Litigation | Toxic and Mass Torts

Biography | 512.391.8055 | [email protected]

Emma Dismukes | Associate, Austin

Areas of Focus: LitigationAgriculture | Food, BeverageNatural Resources, Federal Lands

Biography | 512.391.8030 | [email protected]

Lauren M. Lankenau | Associate, Austin

Areas of Focus: ESG & Sustainability | Waste | Climate Change | Litigation

Biography | 512.391.8016 | [email protected]

Graham H. Pough | Associate, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Water | Litigation | Enforcement Defense, Citizen Suits | Toxic Torts, Environmental Tort

Biography | 512.391.8041 | [email protected]

Andrew Womack | Associate, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Enforcement Defense, Citizen Suits | Litigation | Toxic and Mass Torts | Site Remediation and Natural Resource Damages

Biography | 512.391.8009 | [email protected]

Kelly Bennett | Paralegal, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Environmental Litigation SupportRegulatory TrackingCAA Section 114 ResponsesEnforcement Defense | Bluebooking

Biography | 512.391.8012 | [email protected]

Haley Webb | Paralegal, Austin

Areas of Focus:  Environmental Litigation SupportRegulatory TrackingAir, Climate ChangeWater Rights and Supply

Biography | 512.391.8028 | [email protected]